Monday, December 22, 2008


Ok... I know I haven't been posting, but I have been trying to make time! Sorry AGAIN!! But now It's holidays and I won't be as busy with school and stuff, BUT, I'll be a little busy for a few more days with Christmas. I'll try my hardest to post!
Thanks Penguins! Also, you can check out my new blog, Neopets Club!


Ranebows said...

Hi i like ure blog it is so colorful. it's okay i never have time either with school friends and sports. i have a blog too. its club penguin. I hope u check it out sometime....

it's a kinda long url.... but i try to keep up with it its hard though. I hope to hear from u.... comment on my blog sometime....

Alexis said...

I now what you mean!!! I have a blog, I deleted my old one you put on the list, it's pufflepen2s club penguin secrets. I have a new one if youed like to look. Its pufflpen2s club penguin cheats. Please cehck it out, it's really cool. I hope you have a very good CHristmas, and happy new year.

Emotional Penguins said...

Can you please update!

Lynnzie5103 said...

Hey Allie! I was just wondering - Can you please, please, please follow my blog at ?

Thanks - I'd be jolly well glad if you do :)


H4NNAH said...

PLEASE follow! It means a lot to me. You don't have to read it just please follow.

H4NNAH said...

pleeeease follow

Allie Rocks3 said...

Hey checers KR this is my OLD one! I dont do this one anymore sorry lol go to sorry it wont show in club penguin its called club penguin 101 thanks!